Handmade Tableware 10/18

The article "Home Cooking - A Case for Handmade Tableware" by Shannon Garson poses many interesting views and opinions on handmade tableware.  Garson suggests that "if we were to 'read' a handmade domestic pot as scholars read texts we would find that this useful object symbolizes much more than its function might suggest."  This was very interesting to me because it is true that each potter, coming from a different background and being totally and completely unique, might work to craft a pot or plate or cup for the same function in a completely different manner than someone of equal skill set.  For this reason, each handmade object tells its own story as the potter created the object to encompass his or her idea of beauty.

I chose to use the above picture of handmade plates because, in my opinion, it is their imperfection and uniqueness which makes them a beautiful, complimentary set.


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