How Chinese artist Ai Weiwei became an enemy of the state

Ai Weiwei: "I think artist and activist is the same thing. As artist, you always have to be an activist."

60 Minutes interviewed Ai Weiwei, china's most famous policical dissident; a troublemaker who clashes with Chinese government which has gotten him harassed by police thrown in jail, and driven out of the whole county overall. But the interesting part is when you realize that he is one of the most successful contemporary artists in the world. He's used his art as a weapon to ridicule the authorities. Ai Weiwei used his influence as a weapon. after the earthquake disaster, the government attempted to cover up the amount of children killed, Ai Weiwei led a "citizen's investigation" to uncover some 5,000 children killed. the government was so displeased with this that in 2011 when he was attempting to board a plane, his head was covered and he was taken into solitary confinement for 81 days. he was told not to speak when released but he couldn't help himself. He made the recreation above of his cell to the Chinese government's dismay. He is a true rebel and activist for the Chinese people.


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